How the Courts calculate child support is a mysterious dark hole to most people including some attorneys. Courts in Tucson and all over Arizona use a formula that takes both parties' incomes, the number of children supported, and a slew of other factors into consideration before it spits out a number. Things that can affect a child support obligation include who is paying for the child's health insurance and for how much; who is paying for daycare and for how much; whether either party has any other children they are supporting; and finally how many parenting days a year each party has.
The biggest factor in calculating child support are the parties' respective incomes and how many parenting days each party gets. The Court assumes that when a party has parenting time with the child and/or children, they are spending money on the children during their parenting time. Therefore, the more parenting time a person has, the less their obligation in most cases.
The best way to get a handle on what your child support obligation should be is to go to the Arizona Supreme Court website and plug in your individual numbers. This can give you a good estimate of what you are looking at.
Your best option is to call Petersen Law Firm at 520-631-3286 or at the website www.oldpueblofamilylaw.com to get personal advice on how to get the best outcome for your situation.